
  • Breaking: Changes to Water Damage Advertising

    Category: Things You Should Know • January 20, 2017

    Google recently announced all ads on the right-hand side of a Google search page (known as sidebar ads) have been removed. The removal of these sidebar ads reduces the total number of ads you’ll see on a Google search page from 11 to 7. This…


  • Death of the Preferred Vendor Program

    The Death of the Preferred Vendor Program

    Category: Things You Should Know • February 23, 2015

    Several years ago I entered the restoration industry. Having come from the insurance world, I was surprised at how different things look from the contractor’s perspective. Agents don’t build the relationships that they used to with insureds. Insureds lack understanding of the loss process and…


  • adwords

    Google Adwords: ‘Water Damage’ Breaks $500 Per-Click Barrier

    Category: Things You Should Know • February 23, 2015

    In the early months of 2012, a shocking new trend emerged in the online advertising war over the search term “water damage”: a single click on a Google AdWords advertisement prompted by a user “googling” this term broke the $500 barrier. The armies engaged in…


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